Posted January 2, 2023
Teen Gets Jedi Treatment At Graduation

Graduation is a special time to cherish past memories while creating new ones. In Hunter Wark-Patonja’s case, an 18-year-old teen from Port Moody, British Columbia, it included an out-of-this-world moment he’ll probably never forget.
As reported by Good News Network, Pantonja is a huge Star Wars fan, always looking to embrace the Jedi way of life, and the day of his Heritage Woods Secondary School graduation was no different. Well known for infusing galactic elements into school projects and celebrating storied holidays like May 4th—a globally-recognized Star Wars day—it probably didn’t come as a surprise to his principal when the boy asked if he could bring lightsabers to the ceremony. Although he answered “maybe,” Hunter didn’t hesitate to interpret it as a yes.
After sitting through almost a whole alphabet of names, the moment finally arrived to walk up on stage. Upon receiving his diploma, he immediately drew two laser swords. Principal Clerkson accepted the challenge and they began to duel in front of the entire audience. “The whole crowd was screaming and applauding—it couldn’t have been a better way to graduate,” Hunter exclaimed. The video was posted on social media by a friend and immediately went viral—it seems the force is strong in this one. What a stellar ending to a chapter with a new hope for more adventures to come.
- View this Instagram video, and even more happy news stories!